Ruminant Alumni

Mary Drewnoski, Ph.D.

Post-doc Research Associate: August 2009-July 2012

Current position: Associate Professor, Beef Systems Specialist, University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Erin Richter, M.S.

Thesis: The effect of dietary sulfur on performance, mineral status, rumen hydrogen sulfide, and rumen microbial populations in yearling beef steers (2011)


Danielle Schultz (Pogge), Ph.D.

Dissertation: The effect of supplemental vitamin C on performance, antioxidant capacity, carcass characteristics, and meat quality of steers fed high sulfur finishing diets (2013)

Current position: Grants officer, University of Queensland


Sara Morine, M.S.

Thesis: Determining the optimal dietary roughage source and inclusion to decrease hydrogen sulfide in steers fed high-sulfur finishing diets (2014)

Current position: Thrive Affordable Vet Care


Megan Van Emon, Ph.D.

Post-doc Research Associate: January 2013 – July 2014

Current position: Associate Professor, Extension Beef Cattle Specialist, Montana State University


Olivia Genther-Schroeder, Ph.D.

Dissertation: Trace mineral supplementation in feedlot cattle: implications for the inflammatory response, growth, and carcass characteristics (2014)

Post-doc Research Associate: September 2014-December 2016

Current position: Dairy Feed Research Scientist, Purina


Erika Lundy-Woolfolk, M.S.

Thesis: Changing distillers grains: implications for cattle performance and management (2014)

Current position: Extension Beef Specialist, Iowa Beef Center


Jason Russell, Ph.D.

Dissertation: Feed efficiency in beef cattle: relationship with digestibility, antioxidant activity, oxidative stress, growth performance, and carcass characteristics (2015)

Current position: Beef Technical Nutritionist, Zinpro


Rebecca Brattain (Stokes), Ph.D.

Thesis: Evaluation of algae meal as a novel feedstuff for ruminants (2015)

Current position: Country Manager, KWS Group


Christopher Blank, M.S.

Thesis: Alternatives in beef nutrition: Use of alternative forages and the improvement of feed efficiency on meat tenderness attributes (2016)

Current position: Dairy Production Specialist, Purina


Sarah Sanders (Hartman), M.S.

Thesis: Implications of trace mineral supplementation strategies to overcome the effects of high antagonist diets in feedlot cattle (2017)

Current position: Experienced Research Scientist, Newcastle


Emma Conway (Niedermeyer), M.S.

Thesis: The effect of trace mineral supplementation on natural and conventionally raised feedlot beef cattle (2017)

Current position: Beef Consultant Assistant, Great Plains Livestock Consulting


Remy Carmichael-Wyatt, Ph.D.

Dissertation: The influence of dietary zinc concentration during periods of rapid growth induced by ractopamine hydrochloride or dietary energy and dietary fiber content on trace mineral metabolism and performance of beef steers (2019)

Current position: Research Scientist – Ruminant Nutrition, ADM


Katherine VanValin, Ph.D.

Dissertation: Influence of stress induction on trace mineral homeostasis and metabolism in ruminants (2019)

Post-doc Research Associate: May 2019-December 2019

Current position: Assistant Extension Professor – Animal and Food Sciences, University of Kentucky


Katherine Hochmuth, M.S.

Thesis: Exploring the effects of supranutritional zinc and ractopamine hydrochloride on the proteome and phosphoproteome of the Longissimus dorsi in beef steers (2020)

Current position: Graduate Research Associate, University of Minnesota


Erin Deters, Ph.D.

Dissertation: Nutritional modulation of oxidative stress in beef steers during the feedlot receiving period: A focus on transit stress (2020)

Post-doc Research Associate: June 2020 – March 2021

Current position: Senior Research Associate, Kemin Human Health and Nutrition


Aubree Bobb (Beenken), M.S.

Thesis: Evaluation of injectable vitamin C as a management strategy to mitigate the negative effects of transit stress in beef steers (2021)

Current position: Heartland Coop


Elizabeth Messersmith, Ph.D.

Thesis: The effect of copper supplementation on performance and carcass characteristics of cattle utilizing growth promoting technologies (2018)

Dissertation: The effects of strategic zinc supplementation on steroidal implant-induced growth of finishing beef cattle (2021)

Post-doc Research Associate: January 2021 – March 2021

Current position: Feedlot Nutritionist/Director of Research, Foote Cattle Company


Katie Heiderscheit, Ph.D.

Dissertation: The newly received feedlot steer: The influence of transportation and zinc supplementation on growth performance and behavior (2021)

Current position: Assistant Professor of Practice – Animal Science, Virginia Tech